View Profile Dj-sammyk

25 Movie Reviews

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Okay so you covered the manga pretty well, but to be honest this isn't that good. I can see the effort gone into it but come on! If your going to do an episode of gantz do it in the style and not simple slides from the manga turned to flash, if you were gonna do that you shoulda just added jpgs!

best so far

Dude you know waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay back i reviewed one of your first animations going 'man this is good if you push on you will get some amazing god like animations' this proves it :D made me laugh out loud more times then i can count ^_^

ace keep it up and who knows you might take over newgrounds? lol


ok so this is a lot like arfenhouse 1
its original and has funny moments but omg it looks so rubbish!

Sit back work your ass off on your skills and come back with a sequel that will rock this world and just like misterio (guy who made afrenhouse 2 best flash ever...so far) you'll have the world loving you :D


in reality a couple of pictures and writing and somehow you've made an amazing flash o_O
Its success is in its simplicity hats off :D

I know its a joke but god damn now i feel there is a conspiricy :O

trailer sense

ok there are so many problems with this:
1) the spelling is awful, i know i cant spell but hence i keep a spellchecker like word running and copy paste it to check.
2) the pre-loader is terrible whats the point of a bar showing the music if you cant skip, it doesnt show loading status or anything! And the overall picture doesnt look good.
3) a trailer is supposed to show the best key parts of a movie, not one randomly unimpressive scene
4) when you have black background and white text keep the style of moving out and fading the same and dont hold it for too long
5) Restart your work if this is the trailer you'd better start from scratch
And more basically go work on this a lot lot lot more

rowan-studios responds:

Die and blow goats sick idiot

funny stuff

I was thinking the same as stuart0908 but realised the reason the flash is so funny is its simplicity in the fact you dont know when its gonna happen.
Hmm improvements? Maybe add some extra features where the kids like jumping on the crack and nothing happens i dunno ace for your first flash. I cant wait to see more ^_^


I remember back in the days when i first watched your movies and thought 'wow theres potential there', with every movie you prove me right :D
Keep on trucking and you'll make some fine works like this :D


Ok clay animation is for talented people who have a lot of time on their hands, what the hell is it with flamers on newgrounds?
Anyway love the movie was a bit jerky in some places and some objects magically dissapeared, but if this is your 1st movie its easy to let those things slide. Especially when the overall feeling is this good, cant wait to see what you do next ^_^


Ok so its not great, its not like vote 5 ace, but the bar at the bottom is genius ive never seen one work that well, the fighting/dancing reminded me more of shining force how every character bobs up and down.
Not bad but next time have a better plot >_<
And ignore idiots like the guy bellow.
Just do better next time ^_^

Im mental me! Just sane occationally but then who isn't nowere days.

sam @Dj-sammyk

Age 40, Male


Lincoln uni

Lincoln (uk succas)

Joined on 3/15/03

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